
The Past

Early Years on the Path

When I was very small my mother spoke sometimes of how she and some of those in her family could heal through touch or will.  This was a secret she only shared with me and not my siblings or with my father, though at the time I didn’t understand why.  I too found I could focus my spirit and use it to ease the suffering of others.   Her gentle guidance proved invaluable for me.  And I trusted in the other whispers I heard echoing through my soul.  Nurturing whispers, teaching whispers, healing whispers.  

My Mother suffered a devastating stroke when I was still young.  And I lost the connection to her and her teaching.  Though I tried to help her during this period my Father stepped in and I was pulled away from trusting my instincts with my gift.  Soon I would be forced away from what I knew in my heart to be true.  

Walking off the Path to Fit In

In order to fit in with my Father and his worldview I stopped listening to the inner voice and guidance I had learned to trust.  With a childlike need to please, I fell into step with the “real world”, giving up who I was in order to please my father and brothers.  It was like a waking dream that didn’t seem quite true to myself or the path I was meant to walk.  The gentle whispers slowly stopped, the knowing and my connection to something greater than myself.  

And I stayed on this path for many years never quite waking from a dream that wasn’t mine or feeling whole.

The Illness  

Years, even decades later, my walking the path of my Father came to an end not with a screeching halt but a creeping illness.  For almost two years, not one of the many doctors or specialists were able to help me.  I was a medical mystery.  Countless tests revealed nothing.  I could barely work, eat or even get out of bed.  

Nothing seemed to help.  I wasted away during this time and lost almost half my body weight.  It was at very low point during this dark journey the gentle voice from my childhood returned.  Giving me a direction and way out of the darkness.  Reaching out, I listened and began my journey back into the light.  

The Return to the Path

Once I made the choice, I could feel the energy pulse through my body and begin the healing process.  This energy I would learn has many names:  Chi, Kundalini, Reiki, Divine Spirit and many more.  Suddenly the doctors were able to isolate the problem and present something of a physical solution.  They were never able to find a cause though.  Even one of the best surgeons in the country stood perplexed saying there was no medical reason for what happened.

I knew though.  It was from choosing a path that was not my own.  For not being true to myself.  With this knowledge, my healing accelerated and I awoke from the bad dream.  I refocused on my work with energy and trained in reiki, kundalini, healing crystals and participated in a shamanic awakening.  

I was renewed and ready to help others find their own paths to peace and healing.  

The Present

I have continued to walk my own path and trust in the Divine to guide my way.  My studies continue and even with everything I’ve learned there is always more to learn just as there are more ways for me to help people.  After helping any number of friends, acquaintances, and friends of friends opening a small reiki energy healing practice seemed to be the next step on my path.  I also began offering life coaching and customized guided meditation programs.  In helping people heal themselves, I continue to heal myself and the world.  

Since then I have helped people all over the country and on three continents.  With reiki energy healing not being limited by space it’s allows me to reach a far greater number of people than I could normally.  I have also worked with reiki crystal grids to allow for circle healing to reach a number of people at the same time.  I have never felt so blessed for being allowed to share my gift and healing with others.